Practice Areas

DUI Defense

At the Whited Law Firm in Daytona Beach, we explore every element of fact and law to help our clients beat drunk driving charges. From the initial traffic stop to the field sobriety tests, the Breathalyzer and other evidence collected against you, we are exceptionally thorough. It is our attention to detail that has helped us achieve a record of favorable results for clients.

Of course, each case is different. The defenses that work in your case may not work in another and vice versa. That is why it is critical to work with an experienced attorney who can help you effectively handle your case.

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DUI Defense
We explore every element of fact and law to help our clients beat drunk driving charges.
Misdemeanor DUI
Just because the offense is a misdemeanor does not mean that you should take it less seriously.
Felony DUI
"Am I facing jail time?" This is a question we often hear from people after a second, third or fourth drunk driving arrest.
Significant Cases
In addition to the trial work, the Firm is also frequently retained to handle appeals in DUI, DUI serious injury and death and other types of criminal cases.
Serious Injury or Death
Nobody ever plans a car accident, but accidents happen everyday. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.
DUI and Drugs
Many people are surprised to discover that the way the law is written applies to both alcohol and drugs.
We can answer any questions that you may have about your drunk driving arrest or the legal strategies we can use to defend you.
DUI Defense Training
Mr. Whited has spoken at over 150 DUI defense seminars in over 30 states and 4 foreign countries.
In America, it's innocent until proven guilty. The evidence police officers collect can make or break your case.
Administrative Hearing
We handle criminal proceedings as well as administrative hearings to protect your driver's license.